EcoMap’s “Maryland Entrepreneur Hub” Wins 2022 MEDA Economic Development Marketing Award

EcoMap Technologies is thrilled to learn of the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub’s selection as the 2022 winner of the Economic Development Marketing award for a Large Community from the Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA).

EcoMap Technologies is thrilled to learn of the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub’s selection as the 2022 winner of the Economic Development Marketing award for a Large Community from the Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA).

The MEDA Awards, sponsored by Miles & Stockbridge P.C., recognize the people, programs, and projects bringing economic prosperity to Maryland.

We are honored to have been nominated for this award by the Maryland Department of Commerce in partnership with the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO), and the University System of Maryland (USM) – our three partners that collaborated to bring this Hub to life.

Instead of droning on and on about what we think makes this platform special, we’ll let our partners within Maryland do the talking.

What is it?

“When folks want to know about the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub, I tell them it’s a single resource where you can find out the most information about things happening in Maryland for entrepreneurs” – Lindsay Ryan, Venture Development Director for the University System of Maryland

Maryland Entrepreneur Hub Home Page

The Maryland Entrepreneur Hub creates that “one-stop resource” where you can get answers to questions and connections to different organizations (also knowing about events as well). – Anne Balduzzi, Managing Director of Entrepreneur and Ecosystem Empowerment for TEDCO

Any entrepreneur [in Maryland] can benefit from this platform because when I talk to somebody and they start asking me questions about resources and I can just point them here, they are absolutely delighted because they have so much information. And it frees up me and other people on my team to help more people. – Allyson Redpath, Director of Entrepreneurship for the Maryland Department of Commerce

Keywords to Explore on the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub Home Page
Keywords to Explore on the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub Home Page

Why EcoMap?

We partnered with EcoMap because their solution was unique, and unique in the respect that it actually goes out and scours the internet using Artificial Intelligence to continually update the resource information that’s on the site, as well as finding new resource information. And through that AI – as the AI gets trained – it improves over time. But that’s what really helped to keep that information robust and up-to-date. – Anne

Funding resources on the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub
Funding resources on the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub

Even though this is automated, there are ways that member of the community can update it – and I think that’s actually really important. Every week there are changes – someone is updated and improving the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub. – Lindsay

I think in general its a terrific example of our three organizations working together to do something that I don’t think we could’ve done individually. – Allyson

A list of events on the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub
A list of events on the Maryland Entrepreneur Hub

Well there you have it – the reasons why EcoMap’s largest platform is an award winner for Maryland. We are honored to play a role in helping Maryland’s entrepreneurs find the resources they need to succeed and are committed to making all ecosystems as accessible as our home state’s.

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