What EcoMap’s Expansion Means for Our Customers

EcoMap recently brought in substantial capital resources to help us make EcoMap even better - here is what our expansion means for our customers

More Resources to Make EcoMap Even Better

At EcoMap, we envision a world where every ecosystem, everywhere is accessible to everyone. This vision becomes a reality when we effectively support our customers in making their ecosystems accessible to everyone. All of our customers share in and are the most critical part of our work. Whether you are an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder in a small town or a leader of a large non-profit or enterprise, EcoMap can help you grow and understand your ecosystem and that remains our focus moving forward.

Most of our customers come to us because we enable them to build an online reflection of their ecosystem without significant time or cost burdens. EcoMaps act as digital front doors so that our customers can let people into their ecosystem more easily, growing it more quickly and with better engagement using data and information to build relationships with the folks in their ecosystems.

In order for us to hasten the pace by which accessible ecosystems becomes a reality, the EcoMap team decided to get more resources in the form of venture capital funding. Which is why we are so excited to announce that we have closed a rapidly oversubscribed $3.5M seed round. Thank you to all of our current and future customers who helped us get to this point. We know that the work is just beginning but also recognize you all, our customers, as THE reason for our success. Our focus now is on executing against all the feedback our customers have shared and ensuring that we have technology and processes in place to support hundreds more with the same attention, focus, and flexibility that we offered our first few customers.

Here’s what this means for our customers:

We will make our platforms more user friendly

We’re constantly working to make our platforms more engaging and user-friendly. This funding will allow us to keep making improvements on our platforms over time to ensure your users are getting the most possible value out of the information housed in your platform. Check out some of our newest platform features here.

We will collect better data more quickly

With the capital injection, we’ll bolster our data. offering, quicker access to local, regional, and national data sets made easier to navigate for you and your users with EcoMap’s technology. Want national resources for black entrepreneurs or regional support organizations that focus on women? With these resources, more expansive data and information will enable our customers to offer a more robust online ecosystem experience.

We will invest in better support infrastructure

For our customers and their users, this means that they’ll have more efficient ways of communicating with the EcoMap team and that we’ll have better systems in place to address their comments. This also means they’ll have more resources to understand the power of the EcoMap platform and how to best configure it to meet their specific ecosystem needs. Think a resource library where you can quickly find answers to your questions and how-to-guides and best practices to manage your EcoMap.

We will attract more users to our platforms (read, your ecosystems)

When our customers launch an EcoMap, they often have two goals: support the current stakeholders in their ecosystem, and attract new people to all their ecosystem has to offer. We want to be sure that as many people know about your platform as possible so that this can be done most effectively. We’ll be creating a Product Marketing Team with an exclusive focus of promotion each EcoMap platform and supporting our customers marketing efforts. This means more exposure, usage, and community-generated data for all of our current and future customers.

We are so excited about what we can accomplish together. Thank you for trusting us with your ecosystem. It’s a responsibility we take seriously and are very grateful for. If you’d like to learn more about how this fundraising round can benefit you and your ecosystem, or you’re interested in learning what an EcoMap could mean for your community, never hesitate to reach out at team@ecomap.tech.

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