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Meet EcoMap

a platform to power ecosystems

made with ❤️️ in Baltimore

About EcoMap

EcoMap centralizes information about your ecosystem into an easy-to-navigate online platform.

Our mission is to make information more accessible, so our features focus on helping all stakeholders find, understand, and connect with the information they need

Re·la·tion ·ships Initiatives Jobs People Events Org·a·ni· za·tions News Resources

How It Works

EcoMaps are pre-populated with data relevant to your ecosystem, that we find for you using our advanced AI and web scraping algorithms.

All data comes pre-tagged with important keywords to help users find what they need, and is automatically updated when our AI detects changes.

Who EcoMap Is For​

EcoMap products are used to help people navigate all types of ecosystems, including...

  • Entrepreneurial Communities
  • Industry Groups & Associations
  • Schools, Colleges, & Universities
  • Arts & Culture Communities
  • Impact Coalitions & Support Initiatives
  • Corporate & Foundational Networks

The EcoMap Edge

Here's what makes EcoMap different from other products-

Pre-Populated Data​

We can curate any type of data for any ecosystem, based on what matters to you​

Continually Updated

We ensure existing data is up to date, and we add new data as it appears in the ecosystem

Feature Flexibility

EcoMap platforms have a wide variety of flexible features to meet your needs.

Fully Customizable

All EcoMaps are whitelabeled with the brand, language, colors, styles, and more

Key Benefits

Speed to Launch

Launch an ecosystem engagement platform in weeks, not months

Data Quality

Get high-quality data, without ever touching the data

Admin Time

Reduce the amount of time you spend setting up and managing technology


Ecosystem Mapping is hard. We make it easy, and dare we say - fun


Here's what you get with an EcoMap:

Search Directories

Users can search for whatever they need, when then need it.

Personalized User Dashboards

We match users with resources based on their profiles

Automated Event Calendars

Our AI and web scrapers can keep your event calendar active and current all year long.

Automated News Feeds

Our AI and web scrapers find everything that's happening in your community and link to it.

Jobs Boards

We'll find revelant jobs and re-post them on your platform.

User Guides & Lists

You can create Guides and Lists to give users advice, direction and quick links to recommended resources.

Additional add-ons include:

Support Case Management

An in-platform support program management tool to provide one-on-one support to your community. Invite stakeholders to participate as case managers and refer cases to each other.

Workforce Hub

An all-in-one jobs portal that makes it easy for employers to find talent, and people to find jobs.

Community Hub

A social feed for your users to interact with each other, start discussions and get questions answered.


Develop clear step by step paths for users to follow and get guidance based on their current stage in their journey.


Break out your data into SubMaps for each county, city or jurisdiction in your region, with unique branding for each SubMap.

Our Customers

Some of our customers include...

Venture for America logo
Aspen Institute Logo
Maryland Department of Commerce
Indiana for the bold | Economic Development Corp

Our Data

EcoMap breaks down all of the entities in your ecosystem into the following categories:


Businesses, service providers, nonprofits, governments, and more.


Funding, educational programs, information sources, physical tools, and more


Events, webinars, job fairs, and initiatives in the ecosystem


News about what is happening in the ecosystem


Jobs, internships, gigs, and contract opportunities


All the people in the ecosystem

and of course, the relationships between them!


We make ecosystem mapping easy, so you can focus on what matters

Unlike other solutions, you do not need to dedicate months of time, or a full-time team member, to launch and manage an EcoMap platform


We Understand Your Ecosystem

We'll sit with you to understand the specific ecosystem you want to map, the data you're most interested in, and who you want to engage with the platform.


We Collect & Curate Your Data

Using a combination of advantaged technologies and a highly-trained data team, we'll curate the data that is important to your ecosystem and use case


You Customize Your Platform

We'll work with you to configure your platform with the branding, language, and features that you want to launch with. No worries if you change your mind later - you can edit these things at any time


We Train You to Maximize Your Platform

Our supportive Customer Success Team will walk you through common use cases, and how to leverage your EcoMap to meet your goals.


We Help You Launch

We'll help come up with your launch strategy based on your target audiences and outcomes, using launch events, digital marketing, and more, based on your engagement package.


We Keep It Updated

After you launch, we'll keep your data updated, so you can focus on engaging stakeholders, sharing the platform, and focusing on what matters: growing your ecosystem


How do you get the data? For over 4 years, EcoMap has been developing powerful, proprietary technology that allows us to rapidly aggregate, standardize, & update data from all types of ecosystems. We pair this technology with a 10+ person expert data team to get the data that matters most to each of our customers
How much does it cost? EcoMaps range in price based on the volume of data that is curated (we don't charge for any user-generated data or the number of users), Most EcoMaps fall between $5k - $50k per year. There's a one-time $10k implementation for a new platform
How long does it take to launch? The launch timeline depends primarily on the size of the ecosystem being mapped. Most EcoMaps take between 2-8 weeks from start to launch, but we can adjust these timelines based on customer needs
How is EcoMap different than ______? EcoMap is the only platform on the market that comes pre-populated with the data that matters to you, no matter what the ecosystem is or what information you want to centralize. Other platforms force you to populate the data yourself, or cost $250k+ for consultants and custom development
Does EcoMap offer additional services? In addition to our powerful technology tools, we can also provide Custom Solution Development, Enhanced Data Analysis, and Product Marketing Support to our customers
 + You!

Next Steps

Ready to grow your ecosystem?

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